
Cystic Hepatobiliary Neoplasms with Mucin Production. Part I: Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm (MCN)

顧名思義,是種會分泌黏液的肝臟及膽道囊腫性腫瘤,流病上算罕見,包括MCN-L (Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm of liver)IPNB (Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct)這兩種疾病。IPNBMCN-L跟胰臟的IPMNMCN-P有許多相似之處且可以互相呼應,因此近年來被認為是Biliary counterparts of IPMN and MCN-P,擁有相似的病理、影像學特徵、命名及Grading criteria

膽道跟胰臟在解剖上位置相近,都是從Foregut endoderm發育而來。Ventral pancreas胚胎時與Extrahepatic bile duct同源,後來跟Dorsal pancreas融合而成胰臟。所以Bile ductMain pancreatic duct (MPD)有著相似的Simple columnar epithelial lining,也都有著Periductal glands。在膽管的Peribiliary glands也能發現Exocrine pancreatic acini (可視為Ventral pancreas的遺跡),甚至會分泌胰臟外分泌酵素如Trypsinamylaselipase排到膽道中。這些推論說明膽道跟胰臟在胚胎時期的同源性,因此有些膽道疾病與胰臟疾病有著相對應的疾病。

Biliary diseases with pancreatic counterparts

對於Pancreatic cysts的治療來說,最大的挑戰是哪些Cysts需要手術、哪些可以追蹤就好。

Pancreatic mucinous cysts目前Guidelines建議以EUS-FNA抽取Cyst fluid Molecular analysis and cytopathologic interpretation(Cyst fluid中的KRASGNAS mutations,對於在手術前分辨IPMNMCN有高Specificity 100%,而對於確認是IPMNSensitivity84 - 100%)。而在Intrahepatic biliary cysts也有著類似的挑戰,我們做ERCP去取得Specimens並可以做BiliSeq testing


* BiliSeq是種對於常見膽道腫瘤的NGS assay,包含28 genes,其對於Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICCs)IPNBsSensitivity73%Specificity100%。比較傳統上膽道內取病理組織的方法對於ICCsIPNBsSensitivity48%Specificity99%。若是BiliSeq合併傳統病理組織的Sensitivity83%Specificity99%


Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm (MCN)

MCN-LIntrahepatic cystic lesions不到5% (罕見),古早時代叫做Biliary cystadenoma (BCA)Biliary cystadenocarcinoma。在2010年時由WHO定名為MCN。典型的MCN不會跟膽道相通(Typically without communication with the bile ducts),然而有些時候腫瘤會Prolapse and demonstrate expansive growth into a bile duct


Cyst-forming epithelial neoplasm lined by cuboidal, columnar, or flattened mucin-producing epithelium overlying OLS (Ovarian-like stroma)

*組織學上Key diagnostic feature即是有OLS



1. MCN明確的病生理機轉目前尚未明瞭,大多只是假說。

2. 假說:Embryonic gonadsDorsal & ventral mesenteries (Pancreatic body and tail及肝臟的起源)在胚胎時很接近,因此若胚胎發育時Primordial germ cells異常Implantation或下降至骨盆腔時發生異常即可能再膽胰形成MCN。所以MCN大多在左肝,而MCN-P也大多在胰臟的Body and tail (左邊),這部分支持了肝膽胰系統發育起源的機轉 (其他同源者像Ciliated hepatic foregut cysthamartoma也常發生在S4)

3. MCN也可能從Hepatic periductal fetal mesenchyme中的Primordial germ cells分化而來,之後再分化為Ovarian stromal cells



1. MCN絕大多數發生在中年婦女 (87 – 100%)Median age, 45 – 54歲,女比男約91

2. Malignant MCN傾向發生在老年人。

3. MCN與女性賀爾蒙相關,使用口服避孕藥或孕婦發生的機率會變大。


Clinical manifestations

1. 大部分是Symptomatic,但以Nonspecific症狀為主,像是腹痛(57%)、腹脹(20%)、容易有飽足感等因Mass effect所造成的症狀。

2. Asymptomatic者佔了約14%

3. LFTs: 無法分辨良性及惡性的MCN。

4. CEA, CA 19-9 (Serum):可能會上升,特別是Malignant MCN,但若正常無法排除有Invasive carcinoma

5. CEA, CA 19-9 levels (Cyst fluid): 亦無法完全區別MCNNonneoplastic simple hepatic cysts (SHCs)


Pathologic features

Macroscopic features:

1. Solitary, well-delineated (Thick fibrous capsules), multilocular cyst with septation (也會有Cyst in cyst), or less commonly unilocular cystic mass (10%)

2. MCN通常較大顆 (5 - 29 cm平均11 cm),一般比Cystic IPNB大;通常會跟膽道分開 (Typically without communication with the bile ducts) 但少數會有Intraluminal erosion

3. 也會看到Stromal inflammation and degenerative changes (Hemorrhage, calcification, or necrosis)

4. Cyst fluid通常為mucinous with bile-tinged


Microscopic features:

1. MCN-LCyst內層由單層的Cuboidal-to-columnar上皮構成,有Variably mucin-producing cells,與Biliary epithelium最相似。

2. 上皮細胞表現Biliary-type immunophenotype,會表現CK7, CK8, CK18, CK19, EMA, and CEA

3. MCNGradingLow- to high-grade dysplasia to invasive carcinoma可分為:

I.   MCN with low-grade dysplasia (大部分是low grade,較不會進展至invasive carcinoma)

II.  MCN with high-grade dysplasia

III. MCN with associated invasive carcinoma (3%–6%); MCN-P (12%)

4. 若是表現Gastrointestinal markersCK20, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6會與high grade dysplasiaInvasive carcinoma有關。

5. OLS cells (Ovarian-like stroma):

I.   ER(+), PR(+) and -inhibin(+)

II.  由上皮下的Bland spindle cells組成

III. Hormonal responsiveness and production


Molecular characteristics of MCN-L

1. MCN的病人中KRAS mutations佔約20%,這類有KRAS mutation的病人較易為Multilocular、有較high gradesdysplasia、也會表現MUC1, MUC2, and MUC5AC。但相比之下Pancreatic MCN (MCN-P)更常表現KRAS mutations,這也可以解釋為何MCN-PMCN-L惡性的機率更高 (MCN-P大概有15%會進展至Invasive carcinoma)。

2. Pancreatic MCNs類似,不會有GNAS mutation

3. MCN-L也常有RNF43PIK3CA mutations,而MCN-P不常表現RNF43 mutations


Image features

1. 綜觀來說MCN-L在影像上為Solitary, large, multiloculated or infrequently unilocular (6%–10%) cystic mass with associated septa, mural calcifications, and sometimes mural nodules

2. MCN-L大部分(69-76%)會在left hepatic lobe (S4)。

3. 若是影像學上看到Mural nodulesSolid componentCalcificationsHypervascularity,用來區分良性或惡性的MCN有高NPV (91%)但是低的PPV (11%)


US features of MCN-L

1. MCN在超音波下呈現Complex multiloculated cystic mass with echogenic septa (就是有多隔間、有SeptumCystic mass)

2. Cyst fluid在超音波下典型為Anechoic,但實際要根據裡面的成分而定。

3. 若是有NodulesSolid component > 1 cm要考慮是Malignancy

4. Contrast-enhanced US (CEUS)下一樣無法區分良性或惡性的MCN


CT features of MCN

Large, circumscribed, multiloculated cystic mass with a well-defined fibrotic capsule

CT features of MCN (Sensitivity)

1.     Septa (94%) 

2.     Internal septa vary in thickness 

3.     Septa arising from the cyst wall without associated  wall indentation (100%) 

4.     Mural calcifications (47 - 63%) **90% Specificity

5.     Mural irregularity or nodules (20 - 27%)

6.     Intra-cystic debris (21 - 40%)

7.     Capsule, septa, and nodules may enhance


MRI features of MCN

1. 對於CapsularSeptalNodular enhancement皆比CT來的好。

2. MRCP可以看出MCNBile ducts指間的關聯性及可以評估Upstream biliary obstruction ( > ERCP)

3. Septal enhancementMCN的一大特徵。

4. 在T2WI

I.     典型Hyperintense (Proteinaceous or hemorrhagic cyst content)

II.    Low-signal-intensity rim (Blood products or calcification)

5. T1 signal intensity: Variable



由於Biopsy難以區分良惡性 (無法窺得全貌),所以最佳的診斷兼治療方式是Complete surgical excision,包括Enucleation (剜除)Hepatic resection。在手術前的影像有時會難以分辨MCNAtypical Simple hepatic cysts (SHC),所以如果是不用治療的SHC卻手術反而會有過度治療及產生不必要Morbidity的情形。




1. Complete resection: 預後最佳 (Excellent)Recurrence rate(3%–5%)

2. Incomplete excision: 例如像做Percutaneous aspiration, sclerotherapy, surgical fenestration, unroofing, cystojejunostomy and marsupializationRecurrence rate較高(82%) 

3. Disease related mortality  

 I.  Benign MCN: 0% 

II.  Malignant MCN: 24%

4. MCN with invasive carcinomaPrognosisBenign MCN差但long-term prognosisConventional CCA來的好。



1. Mucin-producing Cystic Hepatobiliary Neoplasms: Updated Nomenclature and Clinical, Pathologic, and Imaging Features. RadioGraphics 2021; 41:1592–1610. Matthew H. Lee, Venkata S. Katabathina, Meghan G. Lubner, et al.

2. Hepatobiliary mucinous cystic neoplasms and mimics. Abdom Radiol(NY). 2021 Oct 23. Mark A Anderson, Chandra S Bhati, Dhakshinamoorthy Ganeshan, Malak Itani.

3. Cystic biliary tumors of the liver: diagnostic criteria and common pitfalls. Human Pathology 2021 xx, 1e14. Susan Shyu, Aatur D. Singhi. 

